Kansas laws about meetings

Responsibility: Attend all board meetings and ascertain that accurate records are kept on file at the library

K.S.A. 12-1224 Meetings
  • When new members are appointed [in May],

    • the board should elect officers, and

    • establish the place and time for future meetings.

  • Special meetings can be called by the chairman or upon written requests by the majority of members.

  • Unless waived, each member of the board is given two days before the meeting, written notice of special meeting stating the time and place and purpose of the meeting.

  • Only business given as the reason for the special meeting can be conducted during the special meeting.

K.S.A. 75-4317 through 75-4320 Open Meetings Act
  • 75-4317: declares representative government is dependent on an informed electorate

  • 75-4317a defines a meeting as any gathering of the majority of the board, in person or on the telephone, for interactive discussion of library business. “On the telephone” means conference calls involving a majority of the board or a series to calls, one at a time, to a majority of the board.

  • 75-4318 requires public notices and giving agendas, if produced for the meeting, to anyone asking for an agenda.

  • 75-4319 describes the circumstances and procedures for closed executive sessions

  • 75-4320 describes penalties for violating this act.

See Closed Executive Sessions Procedures