HIring a director

Responsibilities: Employ a competent and qualified librarian

  • Hiring a Library Director is a four-page document covering preliminary assessment based on fundamental questions, drafting a job description, affirmative action, search committee, word-of-mouth, interviewing and selection, and other decisions to be made prior to interviewing, after interview follow-up, orientation of new director. <http://tinyurl.com/ko5fz6o>

  • Hiring a Library Director: Steps for Library Board Members is a 29-page document describing pitfalls to avoid, what to look for, what a director does, the basic skills and what to look for, looking at the library, sample job description, writing job announcement, reading resumes, interviewing, illegal questions. <http://tinyurl.com/ns3td88>

  • A Library Board's Practical Guide to Finding the Right Library Director is 31-page document covering selecting candidates, basic qualities, checking references, interviewing and evaluation, sample job description and posting. <http://tinyurl.com/qbqcd5t>